

2024-05-27 10:49:13

喜悦女神与错误决定的插画,融合了马蒂斯版画与野兽派元素,为艺术家Flembaz的新曲“Rave For Me”打造了独具一格的视觉形象。此曲以134bpm的高节奏,混合科技未来派狂欢声音,电子鼓点、迷幻低音、女声钩子与合成器交织,带有Vangelis式的情感。在设计CD封面时,我期望融入怀旧情怀,为这首电子Techno/Trance曲目带来有机质感。封面中心将放置一个女性雕像,以增添“柔和”氛围。同时,我渴望融入自然元素,与电子音乐特色相辅相成,灵感源于90年代酸性技术音乐专辑。配色将保持朴实自然,背景以自然景观为主,强调有机与自然的视觉元素。艺术家姓名与标题则以优雅草写体呈现。特别的是,封面上的女性雕像将采用抽象、碎片化的技术绘图风格,展现为一个透明的女性机器人,内部结构通过剖面图与爆炸视图展示,技术细节丰富且以小字体精细标注。




goddess of Joy and bad decisions illustration in the style of a matisse print with fauvism elements, minimalism


Spotify的CD封面,苹果音乐,soundcloud,etc for the artist named Flembaz 和标题"Rave For Me",The track bpm is 134,高节奏混合了科技未来派狂欢声音,随着电子鼓,翻译结果:迷幻低音,女声钩子,迷幻合成器,和一种Vangelis风格的心情,尽管是一首电子Techno/Trance曲目,我希望用怀旧的心情板块赋予一种有机的感觉,我还想在封面上加入一个女性雕像为歌曲增添一些“柔和”的感觉,尽管有着充满活力和强烈感觉,我希望CD封面上有自然元素,但也是可以适应电子音乐特点的东西,灵感来自90年代的电子音乐专辑酸性技术音乐,配色方案应该是朴实自然的,以自然景观为背景,强调的视觉元素应该是有机和自然的元素,艺术家姓名和标题的排印应该优雅且草写体,CD封面上的女性雕像应该是抽象和碎片化的



Cd cover for spotify, apple music, soundcloud, etc for the artist named Flembaz and the title "Rave For Me", The track bpm is 134, high paced with a mix of techno futuristic rave sound, with electronic drums, trance bass, female voice hook, psychedelic synths, and a Vangelis type mood, Despite being an electronic techno/trance track, I would like to attribute an organic feeling with a nostalgic mood board, I also want to include a female figurine in the cover to add some "softness" to the track, despite its energetic and intense feeling, I would like the CD cover to have natural elements, but also something that could adapt the personality of the electronic track, Inspired by 90's electronic music albums of acid techno music, The color scheme should be earthy and natural, with a nature landscape as the background, The visual element to be emphasized should be organic and natural elements, The typography for the artist name and title should be elegant and cursive, The representation of the female figurine on the CD cover should be abstract and fragmented


一个女性机器人的技术绘图或蓝图,完全透明化, showing schematics of her inner workings through cutaway diagrams and exploded views,许多技术解释,高度细致,一切以小字体标注



a technical drawing or blueprint of an female android, completely transparent, showing schematics of her inner workings through cutaway diagrams and exploded views, many technical explanations, highly detailed , everything labeled in fine print


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