The image depicts a stylized, cartoon-like black cat peeking through a keyhole,The outline of the keyhole is red and the background is white, The cat's face is visible within the upper part of the keyhole, with its eyes wide open and ears perked up, giving it a curious and playful expression, The overall style is simple and whimsical, with bold colors and clean lines
The image depicts a stylized,卡通般的黑猫从钥匙孔里偷看,钥匙孔的轮廓是红色的 背景是白色的,猫的脸可以从钥匙孔的上半部分看到,睁大眼睛 竖起耳朵,给它一个好奇和顽皮的表情,整体风格简单而异想天开,大胆的色彩和干净的线条